Effective September 1, 2024

PURPOSE: St. Anne Catholic Church is committed to being a good steward of our facilities by keeping
them in well-maintained condition and using our facilities to conduct our mission of supporting the
Catholic faith.
The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements, procedures, and fees, where applicable,
for using the Father William Pentis Family Life Center for St. Anne church and school events and
activities and other parish ministries.

POLICY: The use of St. Anne facilities is restricted to appropriate church and school-related activities
according to the following priority of use:

1. Parish Liturgy and Worship (Masses, funeral receptions, etc.)
2. Parish or School Religious Education (Faith Formation classes, meetings, youth groups)
3. St. Anne School events (includes athletics, arts)
4. Official Parish Boards and Committees (Parish council, finance committee, etc.)
5. Parish Ministry Groups (i.e. St. Martha’s, Hispanic ministries, liturgical ministries)
6. Unaffiliated Organizations (Knights of Columbus, Scouts, SVDP)
7. Parishioner Requests (Wedding receptions, etc.)
**Requests for numbers 4-7 above will be reviewed every 3 months.

Scheduling is subject to parking lot restrictions. St. Anne Church reserves the right to refuse the use of
the facilities to any person or organization and to evict any person for misconduct or other reasons in
the best interest of the church and school.


I. All space use requests must be submitted online.
II. All persons and groups who use St. Anne facilities are responsible for the following:

1. ALL facility use must be scheduled through the online calendar. All events must be concluded,
reserved area cleaned, and the building must be vacated by 10:00 pm. Failure to comply with
result in loss of meeting priveleges.
2. Minors (under the age of 18) must be supervised at all times by a parent or another adult who
has been screened and approved by the Diocese of Charleston Safe Environment guidelines
prior to the event.
3. All external doors must be kept locked and closed at all times. Failure to comply will result in
loss of meeting privileges.
4. Meeting rooms are furnished to allow optimal use and are designed to meet maximum
occupancy requirements. Use only the furniture in your reserved meeting space. Do not take
furniture from other rooms.
5. Tables and chairs rearranged by the group are to be put back in the original arrangement.
6. Events are limited to the reservation time period and assigned meeting space.
7. Emergency Contact: In the event a situation arises in which the safety of event attendees or the
facility is jeopardized, please call 911.
8. Notify the Parish Office or Building Monitor immediately of any damage that occurs while using
the facility.
9. Facilities must be left clean and orderly. All surfaces must be clean and free of food and spills,
including the floors. Please contact the Building Monitor for assistance.
10. If a space is left in poor condition, occupants will be contacted and may be charged a cleaning
fee at the discretion of the Pastor ($250). Repeated offenses may result in restricted future use
of the building.
11. As part of the approval process, the group leader must read and agree to parish policies.
12. Before your reservation request can be submitted, you must read and agree to the terms and
policies outlined in the next section.
13. Decorations may be desired to help with the theme of events; however, certain restrictions

The following are prohibited: nails, screws, staples or push pins; open flames,
including candles; double sided tape; removable adhesive hooks; items hanging
from the stage curtains.
Only the following are allowed: Fun-Tak provided by us and Sticky Tack are approved.
The back wall of the stage only where the white board is can be staple. Staple must be removed.

III. Internal Activity Request Policies and Procedures

1. The Church calendar is only available to the School and Church Scheduler, and Pastor. It will
serve as the official calendar for all activity requests for the church and the school.
2. When an activity request is submitted, the Church and/or School Administration will approve or
deny the request based on availability and according to the priority list of use.
3. Activities will be approved or denied within two business days.
4. The space will not be guaranteed until an activity request has been submitted and approved.
5. Entry into the school building will be managed by St. Anne personnel on weekdays until 4:00
pm. After 4:00 pm and on the weekends, a Building Monitor will manage entry.
6. On Sunday mornings and early afternoons, no large groups may be scheduled before 4:00 pm,
with the exception of scheduled Sunday School or Youth Ministry events. On certain dates
scheduling in the facility will not be available i.e., Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Triduum,
Easter Sunday, Christmas, etc.
7. Events during large student gatherings are limited to smaller groups with a defined roster. I.e.,
no admittance to the general public.
8. After submitting the activity request form, you will receive an auto-reply message
acknowledging the form has been received and is in queue to be reviewed. Once the request is
reviewed, you will receive another email within two business days advising whether or not the
reservation is approved or added to the calendar. If a requested facility is unavailable, you may
be asked to choose another date.
9. Only the Pastor may cancel an event.

St. Anne Catholic Church reserves the right to revoke facility privileges as circumstances warrant.
Additional information regarding specific policies and procedures for events will be provided by the
Church office.

Approved by Father Joe Pearce.

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